tiffany.li.0001@gmail.com | helveticalover.github.io
Roblox, Engine UI [C++, Boost, Lua] San Mateo, CA | April 2022 - Present
Software Engineer
• Implemented functionality for proprietary in-engine styling tool, including a custom selector syntax parser and efficient caching, evaluation, and application of style overrides, and validated their robustness by writing a suite of 77 unit tests
• Supported internal adoption of styling tool projected to reduce UI code by 30% and improve UI performance by 23% by resolving issues discovered by plugin teams and supporting requested functionality through API changes
• Investigated and resolved issues in UI performance, resulting in 13.5 ms reduction in rendering paths for top-25 game
• Communicated directly with external developers on forums to address reported issues and announce changes
Riot Games, Valorant [C++, Unreal 4] Los Angeles, CA | August 2020 - March 2022, Summer 2019
Software Engineer
• Supported character KAY/O’s release by implementing designer-friendly systems for prototype mechanics, such as temporary death and ability suppression, and conducting blueprint reviews for game designers
• Designed and implemented cached and roaming agent-specific keybind settings through UMG and Unreal engine modifications, with iteration support from QA, designers, and internal playtesters
• Resolved gameplay and networking bugs each two-week patch cycle by reporting bugs to Jira, implementing code-reviewed bugfixes, and coordinating validation and deployment plans with QA
Carnegie Mellon Robotics Institute, Computer Game Programming [Apache, Shibboleth] Pittsburgh, PA | Summer 2020
Research Intern
• Developed web framework for generating interactive gameplay engineering C++ lessons from doxygen-based source files, serving WebAssembly compiled from student C++ submissions, and providing instructor feedback on submissions
• Deployed website to production Apache server with SSL certification and single-service sign-on using Shibboleth
Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science, Principles of Software Construction [Java] Pittsburgh, PA | Fall 2019
Teaching Assistant
Raven Software, Call of Duty Cold War [C++] Middleton, WI | Summer 2018
Gameplay Engineering Intern
• Prototyped and playtested multiplayer team-based game modes by scripting and designing levels using proprietary tools
Magpie, Computer Game [C++, OpenGL, Maya, Blender] Pittsburgh, PA | Fall 2018
• Modeled and animated all 3D assets in Maya and Blender, including characters, environment, and interactables
• Designed and implemented level creator and dynamic asset loading pipeline by encoding mesh, room, and AI pathing information in RGB channels of PNG files
Pick Me Up, Animation Short [Maya, Premiere] Pittsburgh, PA | Spring 2018
• Pitched animatics and character designs through two rounds of selection to recruit and direct a team of 5 animators
• Constructed body rigs for squirrel and turtle characters using dynamic ribbon splines and integrated FK/IK support
• Animated and rendered 13 shots by blocking elements, framing camera, and animating body movements
Scotty3D, 3D Modeling/Animation Program [C++] Pittsburgh, PA | Spring 2018
• Implemented local and global halfedge mesh operations, including loop and Catmull-Clark subdivision
• Implemented physical lighting for diffuse, specular, and refractive materials using Monte Carlo path tracing
• Implemented animation functionality such as Catmull-Rom keyframing, FK/IK joints, linear blend skinning, and forward/symplectic Euler physics simulation
Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA | May 2020
QPA 3.77/4.0 Bachelor of Computer Science and Arts & Game Design Minor
(Dean’s List Fall ’16 - Spring ‘17, Spring ’18 - Spring ‘19)
Courses Computer Game Programming, Computer Graphics, Introduction to Computer Systems, Discrete Differential Geometry, Web App Development, Principles of Software Construction, Character Rigging, RPG Writing Workshop
Programming Languages C/C++, Java, C#, Python, HTML5/CSS, JavaScript, Lua, SML
Tools Unreal 4, Git, Perforce, Maya, Unity, Blender, Photoshop, Premiere
Last updated July 2024.