Computer Game Programming Virtual Lessons
2020. A web framework for creating online C++ lessons for Carnegie Mellon's Computer Game Programming course.
HTML/CSS, Emscripten, Apache, Shibboleth.This online infrastructure allows students to easily read, complete, and run C++-based lessons through the course website. The framework generates interactive web pages from doxygen-like lesson source files. It also records student submissions for instructor grading. The server includes a mechanism to compile C++ code into WebAssembly, allowing users to execute simple C++ programs directly in the browser. This website is implemented with Django and deployed with Apache, SSL certification, and single-service sign on through Carnegie Mellon University using Shibboleth.
I was the sole developer of this project, so I was entirely responsible for designing, implementing, and deploying the framework according to specifications provided by Jim McCann, professor of Computer Game Programming.
Last updated July 2024.