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Logo for the 2020 fall semester of Computer Game Programming.

Computer Game Programming Virtual Lessons

2020.  A web framework for creating online C++ lessons for Carnegie Mellon's Computer Game Programming course.

HTML/CSS, Emscripten, Apache, Shibboleth.

This online infrastructure allows students to easily read, complete, and run C++-based lessons through the course website. The framework generates interactive web pages from doxygen-like lesson source files. It also records student submissions for instructor grading. The server includes a mechanism to compile C++ code into WebAssembly, allowing users to execute simple C++ programs directly in the browser. This website is implemented with Django and deployed with Apache, SSL certification, and single-service sign on through Carnegie Mellon University using Shibboleth.

I was the sole developer of this project, so I was entirely responsible for designing, implementing, and deploying the framework according to specifications provided by Jim McCann, professor of Computer Game Programming.

An online exercise that asks students to checkmark lines that are contain a bug.
An online exercise that asks students to submit a short response to the provided graphic.
An online exercise that asks students to write and compile C++ code.
A block of code that demonstrates bad practice.

Last updated July 2024.